Thank you for completing the screening tool.
Low score
Your score is and places you in the low risk category for alcohol problems.
Congratulations on this. It is important that we all ensure that any alcohol we consume does not lead to a pattern of hazardous drinking. Your score indicates that your consumption is within the low risk range.
It is important for you that you do not increase this level of consumption. Escalating consumption can easily result in your drinking becoming hazardous, increasing the risk of serious health, social problems, and alcohol dependence. Paying attention to your alcohol consumption and ensuring it remains within the low risk range represents a great investment for your future.
We encourage you to contact us for confidential, professional, advice and guidance.
Medium score
Your score is and places you in the category that we call "risky" or "hazardous" alcohol consumption.
What this means is that your pattern of drinking and overall amount of alcohol you drink is putting you at risk of serious health and personal consequences. This may seem a surprise at first, but it is the reality. We know that within this range of alcohol consumption there is a significant risk of the development of Alcohol Dependence, also short and long-term harm, such as injuries, mental health problems, relationship and employment issues. Medically, diseases of the liver, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and other key organs and systems of the body are strongly associated with this level of alcohol consumption.
Do not be distressed at this news. It is an opportunity reflect on your alcohol consumption and make the required changes to substantially reduce the risk of harmful consequences. When people reduce their alcohol consumption from hazardous levels, they typically feel better and more in control of their lives.
We encourage you to contact us for confidential, professional, advice and guidance.
High score
Your score is and shows that you are likely to have alcohol dependence.
It is important for you that you take action on this. We know that within this range of
alcohol consumption there is a substantial risk of harm in the short and long term, such as
injuries, mental health problems, relationship and employment issues. Medically, diseases
of the liver, heart, brain, muscles, nerves and other key organs and systems of the body are
strongly associated with Alcohol Dependence.
Do not be distressed at this news. It is an opportunity to take stock of your alcohol
consumption and make important changes for an improved quality of life, and substantially
reduce the risk of harmful consequences. Alcohol Dependence is a treatable condition,
however if untreated Alcohol Dependence can have a seriously progressive course. By
contrast, people who engage in treatment can see their lives transformed and their health
and well-being restored.
Important — There can be serious medical risks and complications associated to 'just stopping' alcohol consumption once a physiological dependence has developed. Please seek professional advice and guidance before 'stopping'
We encourage you to contact us for confidential, professional, advice and guidance.
Contact us ›
This questionnaire, the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) is widely used by Health Professionals. Developed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the 10-question test is considered to be the gold standard in assisting to determine if someone an Alcohol Abuse or Alcohol Dependence problem.
All the results of this test are only visible to you.
Start here.